Labour funding commitment
November 12, 2021
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Article link: Labor pledge for Sebas community
City of Ballarat mayor Cr Daniel Moloney, Federal Member for Ballarat Catherine King and Federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese reviewed the plans for the new Sebastopol Community Hub.
The Federal Labor Government wins the next election, they have pledged $4.5 million for the Sebastopol Senior Citizens Centre to be rebuilt and modernised. The City of Ballarat will invest $3.5 million.
Anthony Albanese announced:
“A Labor Government that I lead… will make sure that this project actually happens. It will be a new centre for senior citizens, early learning, community organisations including Girl Guides, and a whole range of activity,” he said.
“It’s a vision to create a focal point for the community where they can come together and be enriched by the interaction that inevitably will occur if you have a consolidation of a site, and a lot of activity in one spot.
“This is an exciting project. It will really lift up this whole community. The council’s done a lot of work to get it up to speed and ready to go.”
Our Sebastopol Senior Citizens secretary Bev Lovett said:
“This is an important redevelopment. It’s been 10 years since talks began about doing something with our centre,” she said.
“Our older people love to come together for socialising, and to have something new will benefit everybody.
“We’ve been 50 years as a group, and a few of our older members… helped to build our centre. We’re excited for something new.”
City of Ballarat mayor Cr Daniel Moloney said Sebastopol has “missed out” on funding opportunities for “far too long.”